It's "The Last Song" vibes for me.

Holy mole, was this shoot fun! When Callista reached out to me, I knew from the get-go these two were going to be an absolute dream. Long story short, there was a mishap with their original wedding photos and they needed a redo so they could actually have photos of the two of them all done up. Enter me! Callista and I started brainstorming like crazy and we decided that we ( okay, mostly me ) wanted to get a little crazy and get into the water and splash around. So we knew a beach wedding was the way to go! I had REALLY been wanting to do a beach wedding and, as fate would have it, her hubby had always wanted a beach wedding. Talk about divine intervention! And when I tell you the whole shoot was just dream, I mean a picture perfect, Nicholas Sparks movie poster dream.

My girl rocked not one, not two, but THREE beautiful wedding dresses throughout the shoot and they each fit the vibe perfectly! We first started out with the most extravagant, sparkling, elegant gown to match her man's dress blues. It was so beautiful and they were getting compliments and congratulations left and right. ( Rightfully so! ) Next she slipped into a champagne dress to get comfy, cozy in the dunes! Gerard finally go to change into something a bit more comfortable and he was maybe just a bit excited to get out of the monkey suit, haha. Finally, Callista wore a flowy, Ariel-coming-out-of-the-water-to-be-with-Prince Eric-forever type dress that wore the water BEAUTIFULLY! They were troopers to get in the water since it was a bit chilly but I'd have them do it all over again to get these shots. ( Sorry guys! )