Wowee, was this an engagement session for the books! Josh has been Hunter's best friend since grade school and so obviously, this was a special one. We've always kinda had this inside joke, the three of us, that we are Marshall and Lily, and Josh was our Ted. One night, the three of us were at Hunter's house in Michigan watching a storm roll in and all squished on bench just talking. And we were talking to Josh about how, though we didn't know who it would be, we were so excited for our Ted to find the one. He means so much to us and we were ELATED when he and Cassie started dating. I'm not exactly sure how or why, but I just knew that she was going to be the one to pass the front porch test. ( If you've seen How I Met Your Mother, you know (; ) Josh told us his plan to purpose ( several different times. ) and ultimately ended up surprising all of us by proposing in a special place to Cassie. I quite literally screamed and cried when I heard he finally popped the question, then scrambled to get my phone so I could scream and cry while Facetiming. HA.

Since they got engaged by the water it seemed fitting to keep the theme going and do their engagement photos by the water! The stars aligned perfectly and we were able to fit in their session while we were on vacation up near Frankfort, Michigan. We went on a short little hike up to Lake Michigan, and I think the photos speak for themselves on how gorgeous it was. It was a bit windy but it made for such fun photos! ( The amount of times Josh got a face full of hair is amazing. ) However, it also made for very wavy water which was FREEZING. ( Also enjoy some of their faces from the water. )So I think we need to give Josh & Cass a round of applause for rolling with me asking them to sit in frigid water! THANKS GUYS AND LOVE YOU!!!!!! I know I say this every single time but I'm not at all lying when I say that these are my FAV-OR-ITE engagement photos I have ever taken. Hope you all enjoy!