Intimate, Multi City / Country Wedding

It this doesn't convince you to have an intimate wedding, I truly don't know what will. I got the pleasure of knowing Andrea through work when we were both slinging 'spro at a coffee shop here in North Carolina. And let me tell you, she is one of the most lively, vibrant, and charismatic souls I've ever met! So naturally, Sam, the more reserved and quiet boy ( equally fun though, don't you worry ) would be her perfect match! Funny how that works, huh? I was just scrolling on Instagram, minding my own business, when I got a message from her saying "What are your engagement session prices? :D" UM, EXUSE ME?! I really think I screamed, haha. Anyway, flash forward a week and the engagement session turned into an intimate wedding to happen before Sam deployed.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself; "A wedding that quick?! How's that going to come together?" The answer: family and friends and wedding day magic. Seriously, it could not have been more perfect. They got married at the end of a dock at a local park, surrounded by a small crowd of friends and family and MAN, if we all didn't cry so hard! They had multiple phones up to bring their families from all over the country and world to that little dock with her dad officiating via FaceTime ( it was the sweetest thing ). That's the beauty of intimate weddings, you can really, tangibly feel the love and grandeur of the marriage happening. After the ceremony we headed off into the surrounding woods and marsh to take photos and ended the night downtown for some more photos in the parking garage. Peep the yellow umbrella! Any How I Met Your Mother Fans out there? Everything flowed so beautifully for their wedding day, but most importantly, the love in that day was SO FULL. All the amazing adventures and happiness in the world await these two in their marrige!